
Terms and Conditions of Use

Herein "AUTHOR" shall refer to the copyright owner stated below, "PRODUCT" shall refer to the website and the web applications accessible there, developed and provided by the AUTHOR, "SERVICES" shall refer to services developed and provided by the AUTHOR in order to support the users of the PRODUCT, "USER" shall refer to you, the user (either as an individual, single entity or group).
These Terms and Conditions of Use (T&C) are an agreement between you, the USER and the mentioned AUTHOR. By using the mentioned AUTHOR's PRODUCT, SERVICES and all other documents associated with and/or accompanying such, you agree to have read, fully understood and agree to be bound by, the terms and conditions set out below.

All PRODUCT and accompanying materials provided by the AUTHOR, are provided "as is", without warranty. By using the PRODUCT, you agree not to hold the AUTHOR liable for any damages that may occur, including liability for claims by third parties and for court and legal costs. Further you agree that the provision of the PRODUCT may be discontinued at any time, without prior notification.

All SERVICES and accompanying materials provided by the AUTHOR, are provided "as is", without warranty. By using the SERVICES, you agree not to hold the AUTHOR liable for any damages that may occur, including liability for claims by third parties and for court and legal costs. Further you agree that SERVICES may be discontinued at any time, without prior notification.

Under the terms of this agreement, a non-exclusive freeware licence is granted to the USER on the understanding the AUTHOR retains all rights to SERVICES, PRODUCT, written materials and other such supplies. Under this agreement, you are free to use the SERVICES and PRODUCT provided by the AUTHOR for non-commercial use, including the right to publish the results of your work produced with the help of the PRODUCT, with appropriate reference to the AUTHOR and the website The USER is NOT permitted to attempt to modify, de-compile, merge, sell, lease or otherwise mis-use said AUTHOR's PRODUCT and/or SERVICES, including but not limited to, all graphics, documents and other such files.

Under the terms of this agreement, the AUTHOR grants the USER the non-exclusive right to list the PRODUCT and SERVICES on his or her website, as long as the entire page (frameset) is called up and individual frames or content are not extracted without appropriate reference to the website, and on the understanding no attempt is made to sell or otherwise personally or financially gain from this distribution of the PRODUCT and SERVICES.

The aforementioned AUTHOR reserves the right to modify this T&C at any time, without notice. Each access to the PRODUCT and SERVICES requires a renewed active consent to the current T&C.

Said AUTHOR reserves the right to terminate this agreement and the availability of the PRODUCT and SERVICES at any time, in whole or part without notice or prior warning. The USER is therefore requested to regularly back up his or her data stored on the website by downloading it to his or her personal device.

If a provision of this Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, that shall not affect: (1) the validity or enforceability in that jurisdiction of any other provision of this Agreement; or (2) the validity or enforceability in other jurisdictions of that or any other provision of this Agreement. The illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the meaning and purpose of the replaced provision in a legally permissible manner.


Dr. Wolfgang Weimer-Jehle